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COVID19 Update: What Happens After 19th July?

Following the government’s update and briefings since last week we want to let you know about what you can expect when you visit Gosforth Civic Theatre after 19th July 2021 when legal COVID restrictions are dropped.

Ultimately not a lot changes. As you may know we work with people with learning disabilities, autism and additional needs, this means that our top priority is keeping GCT a safe place for the most vulnerable people visiting and using our spaces. Like we’ve said before we take the health and safety of our customers, participants and staff extremely seriously and will continue to endeavour to make the experience of coming to a performance here, visiting our café or hiring our spaces a comfortable and safe one as well as an enjoyable one. That will not change as we move into a place of more freedom in how we can operate.

Measures that will remain:

· We have hand sanitising stations throughout the venue to encourage regular handwashing;

· We will keep our one-way systems in and out of the building and through the venue;

· We will be encouraging wearing face coverings when moving around the building;

· We will be offering table service only in our café and at events;

· We will be maintaining a social distance of 1m+ with limited seating and capacities;

· Our full café menu is still available for takeaway and we will of course be encouraging contactless card payments where possible.

Measures that will relax:

· track and trace via the NHS Track and Trace app will be optional when visiting us, but still available for those who want to.

It almost goes without saying that if you’re feeling ill or displaying any symptoms at all that you should not visit us and should isolate or seek NHS advice. We will be reviewing the above measures again on 16th August 2021.

In the meantime can we say a massive THANK YOU for your ongoing patience, empathy and understanding, you have all been amazing throughout the pandemic. We want you to know that we are doing everything we can to keep everyone safe.

Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or would like more information, you can email and one of the team will be in touch.

Thank you and we hope to see you in the building very soon!



Gosforth Civic Theatre

Regent Farm Road,


Newcastle upon Tyne,


0191 284 3700

Opening Hours

From Monday 1 July our café bar will be opening during the following times:

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 8.30am – 8pm
Wednesday: 8.30am – 8pm
Thursday: 8.30am – 8pm
Friday: 8.30am – 8pm
Saturday: 8.30am – 8pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm

Please note our opening times change on the following dates:

Thu 20 February - we open at the later time of 9.30am

Sat 22 February - CLOSED

Friday 28 February - Closing at the earlier time of 4pm

Liberdade Community Development Trust registered charity number 1163955

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