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A mushy, soppy show where we all get to be friends

Thursday 18 July, 2024. 7pm.

£5 in advance or pay as you feel on the night.
Subject to online booking fee.

Running Time: Approx. 60 minutes (no interval). Age Rec: 14+

Rosie just wants to be friends. With everyone.

Rosie feels like the world is a bit too horrible at the moment. Rosie doesn't want people to feel alone in this. That's where you come in. Yes, you. You lovely thing, you.


Rosie promises it is going to be really gentle (and mushy and soppy). No stressful audience interaction, just a silly little lovely sharing of our similarities and differences on a silly little lovely Thursday evening. All you need to do is answer some quick questions - best not to think too much about it.


This is a bit of a risk, a bit of an experiment. Rosie is politely requesting that you go with the flow. She can't wait to see you.

Roșie Bowden is a North East based theatre maker, passionate about making joyful, inclusive work for all. She is a facilitator and director, who recently started performing again at her cabaret event 'Lasses' night at Alphabetti Theatre. She is excited to be finding her feet on stage and would love for you to join her on this journey.

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